Georgia on My Mind

Spring Break.

Usually I long for it. I have travel plans booked. Packing to be done. The anticipation of it all is just so exciting.


You fooled all of us. Instead of all of that excitement, we’re trying to figure out how to make it day-by-day as we social distance. I was definitely in denial for a long time that we wouldn’t have to cancel our plans. You see, for the first time in years my husband, who is a physical therapist, and I were finally able to work out a plan to make it to my family’s farm in Georgia. Flights booked. Rental car ready. And my husband and son (16 months old) would get to experience what I’ve been talking about for years.

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The fresh breeze blowing through the air. The fields full of sprouting cotton. And pecan trees lining the road. The sound of four-wheelers running around the farm. I wanted it all. I needed a break from the hustle-and-bustle of work life in a suburban town. The escape with cousins, my aunt’s cooking, the promise of memories past leading to new memories. I wanted that for them.

It’s amazing how in just a matter of weeks all of our plans are completely changed. I see people erasing their monthly calendars, canceling vacations, staying inside as much as possible, and praying this all ends soon. As a teacher it has been hard enough being thrown into this digital learning world, but having a spouse in the medical field adds an extra layer of anxious thoughts. Are we doing enough to protect our family? Did we mess up not adding that extra life insurance a few months ago? No son, you can’t hug your father when he gets home because he MUST shower first! And don’t you dare want to help with the laundry because those clothes have so many germs on them!

Our lives couldn’t be anymore different than they were just 1 month ago. I’m ready to go back to our old normal. I’m ready to just have to worry about cold and flu germs. I’m ready to see my family and friends again. But until then, I will look at pictures and dream of the day when we can try to make our schedules work again and make it down to the farm because we all need a little bit of hope right now.

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