Behind the Scenes...Virtual Learning

Ok, we’re all about 4 weeks into this new “normal” of distance/virtual learning. And I hate to say “normal” because I know it won’t be this way forever, but for many of us, it is our normal until the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Who’s been on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter during this time? Have you been checking in on your teacher friends? Have you seen their amazing work spaces? I’ll be the first to admit it, yes, I’m jealous, or envious, or just happy for them in general! But I also know that’s not my reality and I’m ok with that! So let me take you on a behind the scenes tour of my virtual learning work space…

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  1. Couch.

    Yes, you see that picture correctly. That is where I’ve been working for 4 weeks, haha. It’s the furthest point in my house from my toddler’s bedroom and if you have kids you know the number one priority is DO NOT wake them up! Who’s with me?!

  2. Toys.

    Do you have kids? Then this comes as no surprise to you! Toys are everywhere. And I’m ok with that…as long as I don’t step on one of those blocks as I’m carrying my computer and not looking at the ground. My basement looks like a tornado went through it by the end of the day when it’s clean up time.

  3. High chair.

    I honestly don’t know where my son puts all of the food he eats, but boy does he relish it all! This is the only time I can manage to work on my computer when he’s awake because he loves Mama, wants to play with Mama, and more importantly wants to play on my computer haha. If my computer is out, there’s a meltdown to be had. I’m very thankful he’s at the stage where he loves to sleep in, so I can get several hours of work done before he wakes up and, if needed, respond to those emails while he eats.

  4. Crib?

    I wish I could say I’m a nap time warrior Mama! The kiddo is a champ at crib naps at daycare!..But at home? Nope. He’s a snuggler and I truly think he just misses being with us, so he craves that time on the weekends, ending with him napping on one of us. This has been a struggle as I’ve transitioned to virtual learning and could very much use that time to work on my computer, which leads us to #5…

  5. iPhone!

    This baby has been a lifesaver this past month, as if I wasn’t heavily reliant on it prior to this ordeal! I have to be connected with coworkers and families throughout the day and if it wasn’t for my iPhone, I wouldn’t be able to do it. I can take conference calls, while I’m on a walk with my son, send an email or work on my Google docs (thank goodness for apps that work on the phone!) while he’s napping on me, and get notified with an email when I’m taking time to play with him throughout the day.

I know that my work space isn’t perfect. I wish that we had a bigger house to separate our work/living environments more, but I’m ok with where we’re at. I am happy that I’m taking the time to truly be with my son. This new work/life balance is hard. I dare say harder than when I went into school everyday away from my family. But I’m making it work. It’s not perfect, but nobody is, and in the end we’ll get through this virtual learning and have a lot more family memories to hold onto!